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Последние новости
Kirov state ophthalmology hospitalKirov state ophthalmology hospital is the leading medical center of Privolzhsky federal district of Russia, rendering the specialised ophthalmologic help on the basis of advanced achievements of a medical science and technics. The hospital is equipped by the best microsurgical toolkit and the modern equipment that allows to carry profound investigation of patients, to carry out hi-tech operations. The clinic has good personnel potential. In it 17 doctors-ophthalmologists, from them 6 candidates of medical sciences and 1 doctor of medical sciences work. By doctors of hospital are mastered and all modern methods of diagnostics and treatment of diseases of eyes are successfully carried out. It is received more than 30 patents for inventions and useful models in the field of ophthalmology. Employees of hospital are authors more than 300 scientific works and publications on actual sections of ophthalmology, are constant participants of the most prestigious all-Russian and international ophthalmologic conferences and symposiums. The clinic work is spent in close cooperation with Kirov state medical academy. On the basis of hospital the ophthalmology chair works, training of students, interns, certified cycles of preparation of doctors, cycles of improvement of professional skill “Ultrasonic phacoemulsification. Implantation elastic intraocular lenses” is carried out, perspective scientific researches on working out of new effective methods of treatment of the most difficult pathology of eyes. The head of the clinic: M.D., Professor of Medicine, Kudryavtseva Yulia Vladimirovna +7-8332-233-761
The basic directions of work of clinic are: - Microinvasive power surgery of a cataract with implantation elastic intraocular lenses of various modifications and firms-manufacturers, including multifocal lenses and aspheric lenses. - Laser correction of anomalies of a refraction by methods MAGEK (modified technique PRK) and LASIK. - Laser and endovitreous surgery at diabetic retinopaphy, illnesses of a retina and a vitreous body, ruptures and detachments of the retina, traumas of eyes, etc. - Complex treatment of a glaucoma with use microinvasive and laser surgery. - Complex treatment of age related macular degeneration by methods of laser surgery and modern pharmacotherapy. - Reconstructively-plastic operations at traumas of an eye, the thermal and chemical burns limited to area of an eye. - Intensive therapy of infectious diseases of eyes. - The urgent help at traumas and sharp diseases of an eye.
Location of KSOH: the city of Kirov, the capital of Kirov region, 986 km northeast of Moscow KSOH's official address: 10a, October avenue, Kirov, 610011, Russia Phone/fax: +7-8332- 244-990 E-mail: oft_kirov@mail.ru |
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- План мероприятий по улучшению УТ 2016 г.
- План мероприятий по улучшению УТ 2017 г.
- План мероприятий по улучшению УТ 2018 г.
- План мероприятий по улучшению УТ 2019 г.
- Сводная ведомость КУТ 2015 г.
- Сводная ведомость КУТ 2016 г.
- Сводная ведомость КУТ 2017 г.
- Сводная ведомость КУТ 2019 г.
- Сводная ведомость КУТ 2022 г.
- Сводная ведомость КУТ 2023 г.
- Сводная ведомость СОУТ 2024 г.
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